Sunday, February 8, 2009

different cultures......think and act different!!! and how media infulences......thinking!!

Feb 2nd, 2009

Today in our class we discussed about the different cultures and how they think….Dr. Baworman asked us everyone that if we were in a situation that you can save only one persons life among your child, wife and mother whom will you choose and why?

from my view..i will save my child......and i am sure thats what my wife and my mother wants.... because the child has more life to live, experiance , learn and develop....................and when i heard anwers from other people........for example europeans said that they will save their wife (partner)........... because during their marrage they promised to safegard each other.....and some studenst from middle east.... and some americans said they will save their mother.......because she gave them the life and nourished them...........from childood!!.....

well i guess there is no rigth and wrong answers here and that is what Dr. baworman also explained in the class...............

so what i have learened is that ..people in different cultures raise differently..and they have different ethical values an in difficult situations they apply this values to make decisions.............. thats why managing across cross cultures is very important.... in big companys and organisations........

simple example can be the movies... they effect the way that we view the world....and the way we think.........all our childhoods are brought up with movies..... most of the our desicions are influenced by the media, tele-vision......... if we go back 20 year.....when hollywood didn't dominate the world cinema....the movies what we watched is compleatly different from the movies that we are watching.....

an example of my own experiance..........
the kind of movies that i used to watch when i was a child are native movies..........with strong family values......and society values!!

and if we talk about the 21centurey movies..............i dont see that many movies with family values......its all about war, money, lust,killing,bloodshed drugs, fantasy and sooooo on... so what i am trying to say here is that we live a world of media...where all the values have changed and we are in the verge of

lossing them....

and i guess..if we loss our vlaues.....there is no big difference betwwen indians and i keep on asking my self is it good or bad!!! the answer is unknown...........

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